BSF Offering a Men's Bible Study at Blacknall — Blacknall

BSF Offering a Men's Bible Study at Blacknall

Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), a Blacknall partner, invites all men to an ongoing Bible study that meets on Monday nights at 7 p.m. at Blacknall. The study, “People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided,“ unpacks a fascinating period in Israel’s history across 15 books, from its split into two nations, through dozens of kings and prophets, and ultimately to the heartbreaking exile into Babylon.

The group meets weekly at Blacknall in the Fellowship Hall.

To register, please visit or contact Blacknall member Ross Green at (864) 450-0591.

Bible Study Fellowship is an international organization whose mission is global, in-depth Bible studies producing passionate commitment to Christ, His Word and His Church.

The local group offers a Men’s Bible Study on Monday evenings at Blacknall. Men of all ages and their school age children are invited to participate.
