Fall Sunday School Classes — Blacknall

Fall Sunday School Classes

The Sunday School class schedule for the fall is now posted on Blacknall's website. The semester begins on Sunday, September 10.

Most of our Adult Sunday School classes will continue with studies they started during the summer or a prior semester. You can Jump right into any of these classes. If you have never attended any of these studies, there is no reason to hesitate, please come!

The 30s, 40s, & Friends class will host a unique offering for the fall called, "Following Jesus: Explorations on Politics & Race in Today's World.” Anyone is welcome to attend this class that will meet in the Sanctuary. It is a two-part class: Kaitlyn Schiess will lead the first part and Steve Hinkle, Paul Tshihamba, and Jeff Baker will lead the second.

The Sunday School topics and locations for Children and Youth are also updated on our site. The Nursery will remain in the Fellowship Hall until the repairs and renovations to the Nursery Hall are completed later this fall.

We look forward to learning with you and deepening our discipleship together at 10 a.m. every Sunday this fall!
