Announcements — Blacknall


Farewell from Jesse Sun & Sophia Chen

Jesse Sun and Sophia Chen are moving to Nashville. This will be their last Sunday at Blacknall. Jesse recently accepted the position of Assistant Professor of History of Christianity at Belmont University. Jesse and Sophia wanted to take an opportunity to express their gratitude to the congregation. We’re sorry to see them go and pray for the best in this next stage of their journey!


Summer Playgroup | Beginning June 2 | Thursdays 9:30 - 11:30 am

Calling all children ages six and under—and their moms! Beginning June 2 and running into August, a playgroup will meet on Thursday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. We'll rotate "hosting" duties each week, which really just means picking the location—and that could be a local park, Blacknall, the Museum of Life and Science, the new downtown library, or a local pool, just to name a few possibilities.


Please Choose Your Family’s Portrait

If you got your picture taken at the Block Party, you should have received an email from Imago Dei Media (Paul and Andrea Tshihamba) with a link to a gallery of proofs. Please select your favorite portrait. Once you make your choice, your photo will be touched up if needed, and the final photo will be downloadable at full resolution, with full printing rights at no cost to you. if you did not receive this email or have questions, please contact Paul Tshihamba at


The Congregational Survey Opens Today, May 8!

Please look out for email today from the Pastoral Transition Team that contains instructions and a link to the Congregational Survey. Information about how to access the survey will also be made available during the worship services. We are aiming for 100% participation from all members and regular attenders. The survey closes on May 29.

Please visit the Pastoral Transition page for more information about this process. Please contact the Pastoral Transition Team at with any questions.


What to Bring to the Block Party

The Block Party is finally here! These are some items you won’t want to forget for this Sunday, Apr. 24:

👕👕📸 Your most color-coordinated outfits for your free professional family portrait taken by Imago Dei Media. (Just kidding, you can wear whatever you want!)

🥘🥗 A potluck side dish to share. You can drop it off in the Community Room (near the Rose Garden). Refrigerators are available. But, if you forget or can’t bring a dish, just come!

☀️🧴💦 Sunscreen and a water bottle. Projected temperatures are in the mid to high 80s for Sunday. We will also have water and drinks available at the party.

🪑 A folding chair. Seating will be limited, please bring a lawn chair to sit in and relax under some shade.

🍔🌭🍦 Your appetite. We will serve FREE hamburgers and hot dogs and Pincho Loco ice cream!

🚘 Also, please leave yourself enough time to find parking this Sunday. Most of the street parking near the church on Iredell Street will be blocked off as well as the gravel lot. Limited parking is available in the Duke lot.


This Sunday, Free Professional Family Portrait!

Don't miss out on a FREE professional family portrait! We are excited to offer every family at Blacknall one free family portrait (digital download) taken by professional photographer and Blacknall elder, Paul Tshihamba! With your permission, we will include your picture in Blacknall’s updated directory. Portraits will be taken inside the church during the Block Party. Exact locations TBA.


April 22-24, 2022 | Blacknall Welcomes David & Kassie Kasali

Blackall is excited to host David and Kaswera “Kassie” Kasali of the Congo Initiative for a series of gatherings and church-wide events on the weekend of April 22-24. Please mark your calendar for a panel discussion with Dr. David Kasali, “Can a Divided Society Be Renewed?”, on Friday, April 22 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. This event is free and open to the public and will be livestreamed from Blacknall’s YouTube channel.

The Kasalis’ visit intentionally coincides with the church’s Block Party on Sunday, April 24. David Kasali will preach that Sunday morning and we expect that his message of hope and resilience will help us, as a congregation, to enter into this next season of our life together with joy and faithful endurance as we manage the ongoing uncertainty around COVID and the other significant challenges that confront our community and our world.


Director of Middle School Ministry Tanya Kronstad Accepts New Position

We are sad to announce that, starting in April 3, Tanya Kronstad will no longer lead our Middle School Ministry. Following much prayer and discernment, Tanya has decided to take a remote position with Student Financial Aid at the University of Washington.

We support Tanya's decision and we are thankful for the 10+ years she has faithfully served our church and its young people. Though we will miss Tanya's presence on our staff, we are grateful that she and her family will continue to be a part of the Blacknall community. If you see Tanya, please thank her for her service!


Pray for Blacknall Missionary Traveling to Ukraine

Blacknall missionary Rich Leary, based in Virginia, has recently returned to Budapest, Hungary to join Cru staff in support of displaced Ukrainian Cru staff and to assist Ukrainian refugees. Rich and his wife, Barb, served in Kyiv, Ukraine for nearly three decades, as well as worked for a number of years in Budapest.

Cru staff are participating in a humanitarian mission to shuttle supplies from western Ukraine to Kyiv and other cities along the frontlines. On their return trip, they will transport refugees, mostly women and children, who are fleeing cities under Russian attack.

Please pray that Rich has smooth travels and productive meetings with the Cru staff in Hungary. If you would like to know more about this program, please visit Charity and Aid Ministry Ukraine.


Calling All Sopranos!

The Blacknall Choir is currently looking for a few good sopranos to assist us with our songs on Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, and one Sunday during Pentecost. We have wonderful sopranos and we need a few more for the joyous songs we are preparing! If interested, please contact Donna Mutter or just come to rehearsal on Wednesday evening at 7:45 p.m. in the Choir Room following Lenten Service! Of course, even if you are not a soprano, but just want to sing, please join us!
