Announcements — Blacknall


Blacknall Survey of Service Engagement

Blacknall's Durham Ministry Engagement Team (DMET) is conducting a community service survey this year, running from January 12-31. Your responses will assist DMET and the Session in organizing our resources to serve our neighbors in Durham. The poll will also inform how DMET supports people at Blacknall who are interested in new service opportunities in Durham.


Giving Through Our Angel Tree

One of our special Advent traditions is blessing Durham families who are unable to provide for their loved ones at Christmas. When you visit our Virtual Angel Tree, you can select “giving opportunities” of gift cards or gift items. This is a great way for Blacknall families, small groups, or individuals to share the joy of this Advent season with families in need at Christmas. 


Caring for our Neighbors in Western North Carolina

Our brothers and sisters in Western North Carolina who are rebuilding from the devastation of Hurricane Helene need our help. As a result, our elders invite us as a congregation to give a Special Mission Offering above and beyond our regular gifts to Blacknall. This offering will support the relief efforts of three churches in the region with whom we have deep relationships.
