Service Opportunities for Lent

Blacknall's Durham Ministry Engagement Team (DMET) has compiled several service opportunities related to Blacknall’s local ministry partners to consider during Lent. Some of these activities can be done at home with children, in small groups, or with youth groups. Browse the full list of ideas or contact Vangie Lunn for more details.

Racial Justice Alabama Pilgrimage (Apply by 10/22)

The Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice is hosting a pilgrimage from March 4 - 8, 2024 to places in Alabama important to the civil rights movement. The experience offers participants the opportunity to learn more about the history of racial injustice and hear stories about how God has worked through individuals and churches to pursue justice through nonviolent resistance. As a church-based partnership, the hosts will incorporate worship, prayer, and Scripture into the participant’s time together — seeking wisdom to understand what it means to pursue racial justice