Blacknall Survey of Service Engagement
Blacknall's Durham Ministry Engagement Team (DMET) is conducting a community service survey this year, running from January 12-31. Your responses will assist DMET and the Session in organizing our resources to serve our neighbors in Durham. The poll will also inform how DMET supports people at Blacknall who are interested in new service opportunities in Durham.
Sunday School Spring Semester
The Sunday School class schedule and descriptions for the spring semester are now available.
Adult classes will cover a variety of ongoing and new topics. You can jump right into any of these classes, even if you did not attend the prior semester of an ongoing study. There is no reason to hesitate, please come!
Inquirers & New Members Weekend February 15-16
Want to know more about Blacknall and what it means to be a member? Join us for our next Inquirers and New Members Weekend, Saturday morning, February 15, and Sunday afternoon and evening, February 16. Visit the registration page to sign up and see more details.
Blacknall Survey of Service Engagement Coming January 12-31, 2025
Be on the lookout for an opportunity to share how you and your household are engaged in community service. The survey will assist Blacknall’s Durham Ministry Engagement Team and inform how DMET might provide better onramps for people at Blacknall who are interested in service opportunities in Durham.
Giving Through Our Angel Tree
One of our special Advent traditions is blessing Durham families who are unable to provide for their loved ones at Christmas. When you visit our Virtual Angel Tree, you can select “giving opportunities” of gift cards or gift items. This is a great way for Blacknall families, small groups, or individuals to share the joy of this Advent season with families in need at Christmas.
Caring for our Neighbors in Western North Carolina
Our brothers and sisters in Western North Carolina who are rebuilding from the devastation of Hurricane Helene need our help. As a result, our elders invite us as a congregation to give a Special Mission Offering above and beyond our regular gifts to Blacknall. This offering will support the relief efforts of three churches in the region with whom we have deep relationships.
Recommend Candidates for Deacon & Elder
We invite you to recommend a person to the ONC for consideration as a candidate for the office of deacon and/or elder. Full descriptions of the roles and qualifications are available for download. We encourage you to make multiple recommendations!
Praying Together for the Election Season and Beyond
Please join us on Tuesday mornings from 7 - 7:20 a.m. via Zoom to pray for our country, state, city, and church in this election season and on through to Inauguration Day. We will start on Tuesday, October 15, and continue through January 21.
Seeking Our Next Director of Communications
Blacknall is now accepting applications for the Communications Director position. The position was approved by the Session and is now posted on the employment page of Blacknall's website.
Welcome New Senior Pastor Goodie Bell!
PNC Announces Its Candidate for Senior Pastor
Meet Blacknall’s New Assoc. Dir. of Middle School Ministry
Check Out the New “Links” on Church Center
We’ve updated the Links page on Blacknall’s Church Center with new resources! On this page you can now find new links to Session and Diaconate member directories, the new facility/room request form, and an archive of video recorded classes available only to the Blacknall community.