Lenten Simple Supper
During Lent we’re offering a weekly, Wednesday Simple Supper from 5:30 - 6:40 p.m. before the Lenten service begins at 7 p.m.
During Lent we’re offering a weekly, Wednesday Simple Supper from 5:30 - 6:40 p.m. before the Lenten service begins at 7 p.m.
Please join us for Blacknall’s weekly Lenten service at 7 p.m. No childcare is available, but children are welcome in the sanctuary.
The deacons are hosting a Family Game Night from 4 - 8 p.m. on Saturday, March 22, offering an array of board games — and pizza!
The Durham 2025 CROP Hunger Walk is coming up on Sunday, March 23, at Duke Chapel. For more information, to donate, or if you'd like to walk and raise funds, please contact Doug Koenig.
Men, women, and teenagers are needed to help our neighbors in Western NC. Hearts with Hands is a mission organization in Swannanoa that provides supplies to people in need.
We invite you to join the elders and the deacons in the Sanctuary from 7–8 p.m. for a time of worship and prayer. Please note this occurrence has been moved to Sunday.
Pregnancy Support Services of Durham and Chapel Hill, a Blacknall ministry partner, offers help and hope to women and men considering their choices in unplanned pregnancies. Please join us at the PSS Banquet at Grace Church of Chapel Hill
Join us for a transformative two-day workshop with all-new discussions on the intersections of faith, scripture, and race relations in the United States. Together, we'll explore the enduring challenges of race and division and discover God's heart for reconciliation and justice today. Through Scripture, dialogue, prayer, and reflection, we'll confront the barriers that divide us and develop a biblical vision toward multiethnicity and justice.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 2 (March 28 for childcare)
Join us from 5:30 - 7 p.m. as we gather for a potluck and a time of prayer for the almost 70 Blacknall-supported mission partners serving in Durham, on campus, in Congo, and around the world!
Please join us for the first of the weekly Lenten services beginning on Ash Wednesday at 7 p.m. Blacknall will also offer an imposition of ashes at noon and 4:30 p.m.
Join us for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper to kick off Lent. The Men’s Ministry will be flipping flapjacks and frying breakfast meat for the whole church.
The situation in the Democratic of the Congo is deteriorating. Please join Blacknall's Deep Common Journey partner, Congo Initiative, for a joint prayer gathering via Zoom to support our friends in Congo.
Stop by their table between worship services in the Commons and Upper Atrium. Pay what you wish; all proceeds will go to support Reality Ministries, a Blacknall Deep Common Journey Partner.
Come have some fun and laughs with paint, paper, and printmaking. This event is designed especially for adults and teens. Supplies and snacks will be provided. Registration is $10 per person.
Join us at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary for our monthly evening contemplative service.
Join us from 5:30 - 7 p.m. as we gather for a potluck and a time of prayer for the almost 70 Blacknall-supported mission partners serving in Durham, on campus, in Congo, and around the world!
The spring semester of Women’s Bible Study kicks off on Thursday, February 6, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. This semester we are studying “Elijah: Spiritual Stamina in Every Season” with teaching by various Blacknall women. Sign up and join us!
Women are invited to join us for Bitty Betty, a chance to gather with friends hear and share stories around the idea of "The REST of the Story." There are as many stories to tell around that idea as there are people to tell them. Come and hear.
The Congo Initiative ministry team invites everyone to join us for a five-week book study meeting Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Upper Room. We will be discussing "King Leopold's Ghost" by Adam Hochschild
Help is needed with the ISI Supper Club Kick-off event. This is a brief commitment to help with set up, serving, and take down in our own church building.
Join Blacknall Deep Common Journey Partner Reality Ministries as they host the Reality Ministries Forum—a forum for exploring their theological roots, proclaiming the beauty of the gospel, and integrating these truths into daily life.
All men are invited to a pancake breakfast gathering from 8:30 - 10 a.m. Whether you've been here 40 years or 4 weeks, this is a great opportunity to connect with other men, pray together, and enjoy a feast of pancakes and breakfast meat. Brett McCarty will share some reflections with us.
Join Reality Ministries, a Blacknall Deep Common Journey partner, as they host Community Worship at the Reality Center in Durham.
Please join us for a conversation led by Dr. Warren Kinghorn and Dr. John Swinton as we discuss how to approach mental health care from a Christian perspective.
Carmen and Sean Garrigan are planning a short-term trip to Missionary Air Group's remote base in Honduras. The dates are roughly July 16-25, depending on interest. Join us for an interest meeting following the 11 a.m. service.
Join us for any or all three of Blacknall’s Christmas Eve worship services, with a children-led service at 11 a.m. and traditional services at 5 and 7 p.m.
Black Nativity Durham is a soulful, gospel musical that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and exhibits the true reason for the Christmas season.
Join Reality Ministries, a Blacknall Deep Common Journey partner, as they host their annual Live Nativity. Come enjoy an evening full of worship, warm drinks, and snacks!
College-aged students who are home for the holidays are encouraged to reconnect with old friends (and maybe meet some new ones) at the Blacknall College Christmas party.
A festive evening of fun, fellowship, and hot cocoa as we raise our voices to celebrate the birth of the Savior! Bring friends and family to join in! We’ll start in the Sanctuary for singing, then move to the Fellowship Hall for cookies and cocoa.
This Advent, we are partnering with Open Table Ministry, an organization that works with the homeless population in Durham. They are experiencing some major shortages in their clothing closet, and we will be collecting items to support that need. Please drop off items in the marked bin outside of the library.
Join us at 8:30 and 11 a.m. for a special Sunday worship service where we travel together through the epic story of the Incarnation via Scripture and song.
One of our special Advent traditions is blessing Durham families who are unable to provide for their loved ones at Christmas. When you visit our Virtual Angel Tree, you can sign up to select giving opportunities of gift cards or gift items. Drop off in the Lower Atrium on Sunday, December 15 by 2 p.m.
Families Moving Forward's annual gala & silent auction will take place on Thursday, December 12, at 6 p.m at The Cookery.
“Worship on the Longest Night: A Service of Grief and Hope” is a contemplative service pointing to hope in the midst of sorrow and suffering.
Join us from 5:30 - 7 p.m. as we gather for a potluck and a time of prayer for the almost 70 Blacknall-supported mission partners serving in Durham, on campus, in Congo, and around the world!
International Students Incorporated is looking for volunteers to help us host our new Christmas event for students in the Blacknall Fellowship Hall. Help is needed with set-up, bringing food, greeting, and clean-up.
Come join us on the first Sunday of Advent to fashion your own Advent Wreath. We'll supply the wreath form, pink and purple candles, and instructions.