Mental Health First Aid — Blacknall

Mental Health First Aid


Saturday, Feb. 23, 8-5 p.m. | Fellowship Hall

Register here

Please note, because of a family crisis for the Alliance Behavioral Health trainer, the date has been moved from Feb. 9 to Feb. 23.

Mental Health First Aid, led by Alliance Behavioral Health facilitators, gives lay people an overview of mental illness. The facilitators offer guidelines for helping a community member showing signs of a mental illness or crisis. They encourage ways to connect people with the appropriate professional, peer, social or self-help care. Any adult may take the 8-hour course at no charge. Lunch is provided. To insure a proper count for materials and for the lunch, please contact Blacknall church office (919-286-5586) or register through the above link.

Location: Fellowship Hall
Contact: Margaret Frothingham
