Get to Know Leslie


Get to know Leslie Cenezy, Blacknall’s new Business Manager!

Tell us a little about yourself & your family -
I am a Durham native and grew up at Blacknall. I moved back here about 6 years ago after finishing grad school and rejoined Blacknall in 2016. I met my husband, Del, in his native Haiti and we decided we just had to be together! He moved here and we were married at Blacknall in 2017. Then we had our beautiful girl Anna in 2018 and she is a joy to us! We are so happy to be part of the Blacknall family. 

What are three things you're passionate about?
I am a mental health advocate and believe it affects everyone directly or indirectly. I greatly enjoy connecting with people who are different than me, especially across languages and cultures. Lastly, I'm most fulfilled when I'm helping someone else and am passionate that 'helping' is a primary and divine purpose.

What attracted you to this role at Blacknall?
I had been searching for awhile for the next step professionally. When I saw the posting I felt such joy and peace about it immediately. It's a perfect combination of my skills, experience and current goals both personally and professionally. I also couldn't be more proud to be able to serve Blacknall in this way as the staff and people have been such a blessing to me and my family.

What are you most looking forward to in your new role?
I love connecting people and problem solving to help someone find what or who they need in that moment. I'm confident I will have plenty of opportunity to do that in this role!

Read more from the January Newsletter…
Pastor’s Letter by David Dunderdale
Volunteering with International Students, Inc by Michael & Hanna Rizk