Service of Lament
This event has passed, but you’re invited to listen and follow along with the order of service below.
The last few months have been an intense time for us as a congregation and as a nation. In addition to the stresses and losses of COVID-19, we have witnessed the killings of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd and the protests and turmoil that have followed. In times like this it is good for us to come together and humble ourselves in prayer. We will be led over Zoom in a time of lament, confession, and asking for God’s Kingdom to come.
Order of Service
Welcome and Introduction to Lament | David Dunderdale
Invocation | Goodie Bell
Prayer of Lament | Julie Leyva
Prayer of Confession | Margaret Frothigham, prayer; Dana McCarty, song
Prayer of Healing and Hope | Paul Tshihamba
Song “Your Peace Will Make Us One” | Dana McCarty
Closing & Benediction | Allan Poole