Expect to Hear from Your Elder in Prayer — Blacknall

Expect to Hear from Your Elder in Prayer

Please look out for communication from a Blacknall elder who is your Elder in Prayer. The Session annually assigns each active member or regular attender an Elder in Prayer. These elders pray for you regularly and want to get to know you.

The current Elders in Prayer are Mark Atkinson, Lauren Connolly, Cullen Rodgers-Gates, Pete Gerend, Steve Hinkle, Don & Traci Hoover, Susan Kinghorn, Dan Kronstad, Kathy Mitchell, Mark Paulson, Katie Reeder Hayes, Sherbie Skeen, Paul Tshihamba, Karl Umble, Stephanie Wheatley, and Michael Whisenhunt

If you don't hear from your Elder in Prayer within the next couple of weeks or you have any questions, please contact Michael Whisenhunt.
