Nursery Hall Reopening This Sunday! (11/19)
We are delighted to announce that the Nursery Hall will reopen this Sunday, November 19, for children ages 0 - 3 years old. Four-year-olds will also return to the Bugs class in the Nursery Hall for Sunday School (10 a.m.).
If you would like to get an early look at the Nursery and let your children explore the space ahead of Sunday, please come to an Open House on Saturday, November 18. Drop by anytime between 9 a.m. and noon. When you arrive, please enter through the Iredell Street entrance near the Commons. If you have any questions, contact Leslie Petree.
Lastly, a big thank you goes to the many people who were involved with the unanticipated renovations to our Nursery Hall after it flooded in June. Also, a thank you goes to all the families, volunteers, and Sunday School class participants who flexed during this disruption. Thank you!