New Album from Blacknall Arts: Lessons & Carols — Blacknall

New Album from Blacknall Arts: Lessons & Carols

We’re excited to announce the release of Lessons & Carols: Live from Blacknall Church, a new album from Blacknall Arts, our in-house songwriting and recording initiative. Our first “live album,” Lessons & Carols features recordings from the 2022 Folk Service of Lessons and Carols. As we begin to contemplate and inhabit the story of the Incarnation, we hope this album will serve as a helpful companion in our journey toward Christmastide. You can download the album on Bandcamp or stream it on all major streaming platforms.

Want a Physical CD? Pre-order Now!

Do you want to listen to Blacknall Arts music, but you want a physical CD? We’ve put together a combo CD that includes last year’s Joy EP with our new Lessons and Carols Live release. Pre-order your copy now. CDs should be available for pickup at the church no later than Sunday, 12/17.
