Iglesia Emanuel Ministry Celebration
By Margot Hausmann
Blacknall is partnering with Iglesia Emanuel, a local Latino Presbyterian congregation, to host their third annual ministry celebration, including dinner and entertainment. This year will be very powerful, as the theme for the evening is: “Journeys to Durham: Receiving the Stories of Our Immigrant Neighbors.”
So mark your calendars for Saturday evening, March 28; 6-8pm, Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church. It is such a fun evening! The purpose is twofold: fundraising to support and expand the church’s amazing ministry in the community, and a precious opportunity for friendship and fellowship. Because seating will go fast, RSVP to Margot Hausmann asap.
Read more from the February Newsletter . . .
Pastor’s Letter by Goodie Bell
Blacknall to Host the Fellowship Community Annual Gathering by Allan Poole
God at Work by Ashley Weinard
Chefs for Change by Anne Paulson