Advent 2020 — Announcements — Blacknall

Advent 2020

Advent at Blacknall

Lessons & Carols
Sunday, Dec. 6

Worship from home with familiar carols and recordings by Blacknall choir and scripture readings.

Carols & Bring your Own Cocoa
Sunday, Dec. 13, 6:30 p.m.

A livestream Christmas songfest.

Worship on the Longest Night
Sunday, Dec. 20, 7 p.m.

A contemplative service over Zoom that provides space to remember that Jesus comes for those of us who are suffering, lonely, or grieving.

Christmas Eve
Thursday, Dec. 24

Worship from home or in small outdoor gatherings. Stay tuned for more details!

Advent Wreath Kits | Sign up

Blacknall is providing Advent wreath kits this year as our gift to the congregation so we can walk through the season of Advent together, even while we're apart. Kits include 4 candles, a floral foam wreath ring, and instructions.

Advent Devotional | Sign up

Jesus is coming – so let’s sing! This year, our daily Advent devotionals will be centered around carols.