Announcements — Blacknall


BYG Starts Sunday Night!

Blacknall Youth Group (BYG) starts this Sunday, Sept 11! We'll meet in the Youth Room every Sunday from 5:00-6:30 p.m. to play games, study the Bible, pray, and worship. All 6th-12th graders are welcome!

Parents are also invited to stay for a parents' meeting led by Dave Dunderdale in the Parlor from 5-6 p.m. Dave will talk with parents about plans for this year, as well as discussing ways we can support one another as parents.

Contact Kat Burgett, Interim Youth Ministry Associate, with any questions.


Racial Justice Alabama Pilgrimage  (Apply by Sept. 30)

The Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice is hosting a racial justice pilgrimage to Alabama from March 27-31, 2023 (during Durham Public Schools' spring break). Participants will visit various historical sites of the civil rights movement. Blacknall has been invited to participate. Space is limited and the partnership is seeking diverse representatives across age, race, and partnership church affiliation. To create a more intergenerational experience, we will prioritize the application of any adult who plans to bring with them a youth between the ages of 12 - 22 years. Applications are due by September 30.

As a church-based partnership, the pilgrimage will incorporate worship, prayer, and scripture—seeking wisdom to process what is learned, faithfully. For more information and to apply, please go to the online application. Questions can also be directed to Erin Miller.


Children’s Sunday School Kickoff & Promotion Sunday is September 11

School Year Sunday School Kickoff and Promotion Sunday is September 11. Parents, children, Sunday School teachers, and friends, please join us at 10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall to hear what is new and ongoing for our Children’s Sunday School classes for this academic year. The Children’s Sunday School serves children in grades kindergarten through 5th. Hope to see you there!

On Promotion Sunday all children and youth move up to their next grade level and fall Sunday School begins. Second and third graders will also receive Bibles in the worship services as they transition from Children’s Worship to worship in the sanctuary. And, we will also welcome our four year-olds to participate in the Children’s Blessing for the first time during the worship services that day.


Slate of Nominees To Be Voted on This Sunday

We are pleased to announce the slate of nominees for the Officer Nominating Committee to be voted on at this Sunday’s Congregational Meeting. The nominees are Maria Bradshaw, Margaret Frothingham, Brian Mitchell, Tanya Moore, and Christian Pikaart. There are five nominees and church members may choose up to five individuals on their ballots. Please note that you must be a member and attend in person to vote.


Summer Reading Program Closes a Chapter With Great Results!

Blacknall’s KIDS 4 KIDS Summer Reading Program ended with a bang. Blacknall kids read a grand total of 337 books this summer! That means the Blacknall Library will donate 34 books for kids at Families Moving Forward. Kids, we'll celebrate the awesome results of your reading in Sunday School on August 28. Thanks for being part of helping other kids be able to read great books. Keep reading!


Nursery Sign-Up Sheet Is Now Open! (Closes August 31)

The September-December Nursery Schedule Sign-Up Sheet is now open! Please login to Services and block out the dates you are unavailable to serve and/or sign up for your preferred date(s). We are asking all nursery workers to sign up for at least ONE date during this fall period. The sheet will close on August 31.

If you are a Blacknall member who did not opt out of Member Nursery Service, you will be assigned your date(s) if you do not choose any by August 31.


August 29: Day of Prayer & Fasting for the Senior Pastor Search

The Session has designated a day of prayer and fasting for the Blacknall community on Monday, August 29 as we enter into a critical time in our Senior Pastor search. We invite you to prayerfully consider fasting on that day, then joining the elders and deacons in the Community Room from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. for worship and prayer (the time normally set aside for 5th Monday Prayer).


Don’t Delay! Register for the Men’s Fall Retreat by July 30

All men are invited to attend the Men’s Fall Retreat and are highly encouraged to register by July 30. The men will gather to study, pray, worship, and recreate in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina on Oct. 28-30 in Montreat, NC.

While the retreat may seem far away, getting an accurate number of registrants by July 30 will ensure that we have enough spots for everyone who wants to go.


Save-The-Dates: Congregational Conversations in July & August

The Pastoral Transition Team invites you to participate in a two-part conversation happening during the months of July and August. Participants will have an opportunity choose from four dates for each part. All sessions will be held in the Fellowship Hall, except for those noted as Zoom calls. Registration coming soon.


Kids 4 Kids Summer Reading Program Gives Reading New Purpose

Blacknall's summer reading program is back starting June 12! When you start making summer plans for your kids, put reading at the top of your list. Every book kids read from our library can help other kids enjoy reading too!

All summer, we see how many books our kids can read. Kids of any age are eligible to read — or be read to! Based on our grand total in August, we'll give books to our Deep Common Journey partner, Families Moving Forward. The more we read, the more we can give!

Farewell from Jesse Sun & Sophia Chen

Jesse Sun and Sophia Chen are moving to Nashville. This will be their last Sunday at Blacknall. Jesse recently accepted the position of Assistant Professor of History of Christianity at Belmont University. Jesse and Sophia wanted to take an opportunity to express their gratitude to the congregation. We’re sorry to see them go and pray for the best in this next stage of their journey!
