Sign up Now for Spring Small Groups
*** The signup has closed for the spring session. However, if you are interested in joining a group, please email Goodie. The signup for summer small groups (June-August) will open in May. ***
The Blacknall Mission Study Report
The Blacknall Mission Study Report is now available on our website at This area is password protected and the password can be found on the front page of CCB (login required). The password is also in this week’s (1/11) Life Together e-newsletter.
Mission Minutes | Welcoming the New Year
Eleven O'Clock Christmas Eve Service Moved Indoors
Church Office Holiday Hours & Deadlines for Year-End Gifts
A Thank You to Jeremy Kamiya
The Blacknall Guild would like to express its appreciation to Jeremy Kamiya for donating the beautiful bench he crafted for the church’s Iredell Street entryway. You can read more about Jeremy’s unique approach to furniture making on his website:
Art Camps Are Back!
Mark your calendar! Art Camps at Blacknall are back for summer 2023:
June 19 – 22: morning camp for four- and five-year-olds (currently PreK and K);
June 26 – 29: morning camp for first and second graders (current school year.
More information coming in the new year! Please contact Beth Solie with questions.
Mission Minutes | Monthly Update From the Session (Dec. 2022)
In this Mission Minutes video, Blacknall Elder Mark Paulson provides the monthly update from the Session. Mark discusses where we are and where we are headed in the pastoral transition process — including an Information Session on January 8 about the recently completed Mission Study Report. (Note: There is no adult Sunday School on January 8; however, Nursery and Children's Sunday School will resume that Sunday.)
It's Official! We Have a PNC!
The results are in from Sunday’s Congregational Meeting and all candidates nominated to serve on the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) have been elected! We thank the Officer Nominating Committee for their work to select the candidates, whom the congregation has now approved.
Please keep them in your prayers as they meet as a committee for the first time on Dec. 7 (7:30-9 p.m.). They will meet with our Presbytery Vacancy Advocate, Lori Pistor.
Meet the PNC Nominees
The Officer Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the nominees for the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC), the committee responsible for searching for Blacknall’s next Senior Pastor. Read their bios to learn more about these candidates. The congregation will vote on the PNC this Sunday, December 4.
Congregational Meeting Next Sunday, Dec. 4
The Session is pleased to announce that a Congregational Meeting will be held next Sunday, December 4 for the purpose of electing the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC). See the nominees. Members can vote at the end of the 8:30 or 11 a.m. service.
The presbytery approved the Mission Study Report last week. We thank the Transition Team for their hard work on the report and thank the congregation for everyone’s participation.
Three Ways To Get the 2022 Advent Devotional
Blacknall's 2022 Advent Devotional Guide is now available! Prepare your heart and mind for the coming of the Savior with devotionals written by 26 current and former Blacknall members, partners, and friends. There are three ways you can either get or receive it:
New Music from Blacknall Arts - Buy Now To Donate!
We’re excited to announce the first album from Blacknall Arts, our new songwriting and recording initiative. Blacknall Arts seeks to harness the musical creativity of Blacknall musicians to bless our church community, the larger church, and the world. Co-produced by Wen Reagan and Sam Gould—and featuring the talents of 15 Blacknall members—the five-song EP “Joy” was released on November 23. Released in time for the start of Advent, it will serve as an accompaniment to our journey through the season.
While the record will be a digital release only (no physical CDs), the album will be available across all major streaming platforms upon release. All album proceeds through 2022 will be donated to our Deep Common Journey partner Reality Ministries. Order your copy today to support Reality Ministries during this holiday season. Contact Wen Reagan with questions.
You're Invited: Urbana 22
Blacknall’s International Ministries Team would like to invite you to prayerfully consider attending Urbana 2022. InterVarsity’s triennial global mission conference will happen this year in Indianapolis, IN on December 28 - January 1. Blacknall is offering partial scholarships to any Blacknall member or attender who registers for Urbana.
Seeking Blacknall Officer Recommendations
Do you know a Blacknall member who possesses the qualities of an elder or a deacon? The Bible says that these leaders should be “of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom (Acts 6:3); able to exercise oversight willingly, Do you know a Blacknall member who possesses the qualities of an elder or a deacon? The Bible says that these leaders should be “of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom (Acts 6:3); able to exercise oversight willingly, eager, able to lead by example (1 Pet 5:1–4); and above reproach, gentle, known for integrity and character, spiritually mature, and proven in faith (1 Tim 3:1–13; Titus 1:5–9)? Who comes to mind? Please consider recommending him or her to the Officer Nominating Committee to serve as a Blacknall officer. You can submit your recommendation online or fill out a paper form (yellow sheets) located in the Narthex and Upper Atrium. The deadline to make your recommendation is November 16.
The Women's Retreat: Valle Crucis
By Traci Hoover
As an awkward middle schooler (we called it “junior high” back then), I found myself in a church youth group that planned a fall retreat just a two-hour drive from my hometown in the North Carolina foothills. That place was Valle Crucis. That weekend we did what middle schoolers do on youth retreats: roasted marshmallows, went on hikes, snuck out on the fire escape, square danced, and took turns soaking in ancient claw-footed bathtubs (well, maybe that is not something middle schoolers normally do on retreats!). I can’t remember if I went on more than one retreat there as a teenager, but my memories are so vivid I feel certain I must have, or maybe it was just the kind of place that left that deep of an impression.
You can imagine my surprise and delight when in the fall of 1992 I started attending Blacknall and learned that their Women’s Retreat happened each November at Valle Crucis!…
Another Fantastic Festival of the Bean!
The Women's Retreat: Grow Deeper in Community, Together
By Jenny Witman
I am still relatively new to Blacknall, so while many faces I see on Sunday mornings are starting to feel familiar, many are not yet linked to names or stories. After a season for all of us of being remote with COVID, and perhaps especially for those who, like me, are new to the church, the Women's Retreat will be a wonderful opportunity for all of us to become more connected and for each of us to feel like we are surrounded by our people.
The Women's Retreat: It's Worth Wearing a Nametag
By Katie Reeder-Hayes
For my first five years at Blacknall, I was a Women's Retreat skeptic. I was sure it was nice for other people, but I wasn't a "retreat person." As a mom of young kids, I felt guilty about time away from them, and too tired to contemplate figuring out anything new that involved registration and a map. As a woman in the workforce, I didn't attend weekday women's ministry events and felt like an outsider to this event that other women seemed unnervingly enthused about. As an introvert, I was terrified someone would force me to wear a nametag and play icebreaker games. But at the urging of the unforgettable Amy Rowell (extrovert extraordinaire), I reluctantly signed up in 2006. Well into my second decade, the Women's Retreat now goes on my calendar months in advance.
I've been to the retreat in so many conditions -- excited, optimistic, exhausted, sad, and wounded…