It's Official! We Have a PNC!

The results are in from Sunday’s Congregational Meeting and all candidates nominated to serve on the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) have been elected! We thank the Officer Nominating Committee for their work to select the candidates, whom the congregation has now approved.
Please keep them in your prayers as they meet as a committee for the first time on Dec. 7 (7:30-9 p.m.). They will meet with our Presbytery Vacancy Advocate, Lori Pistor.
Members of the PNC
Before becoming a believer, I didn't give much thought to Christianity. And even once I became a young Christian, I hardly understood the significance of the church or Christian community. These days, every moment of my life begs for Christ's presence. And I can hardly imagine a Christian life without the beauty, vitality, richness, and discipline that comes from living and serving alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ. Through his life, death, and resurrection, I have been utterly humbled, convicted, and saved. To pursue Christ, practice Christ, and preach Christ within the Blacknall body has been such a blessing to me.
I started attending Blacknall in 2001 when my husband Alex and I moved to Durham. We quickly felt at home at Blacknall. The community of Blacknall is an integral part of our life together — where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served. Through worship, fellowship, and service, I see and experience Christ at work in the body of believers. My gifts include teaching, hospitality, and administration; and my walk with Christ compels me to serve the church.
I started attending Blacknall about 30 years ago when Traci and I first moved to Durham. God has used my involvement at Blacknall to bless me beyond measure and to form me spiritually to be a more faithful follower of Jesus. My relationship with Jesus is strengthened by prayer, study, and preaching of the Scriptures, worship, Holy Communion and often through the encouragement of others, especially my wife. I love Jesus because he loves me and has saved me.
I learned to love the Lord from my family and the tight-knit community of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Elko, S.C. Since 2009, the people of Blacknall have been teaching me what it means to follow Jesus faithfully in all areas of my life as a teacher, scholar, father, husband, citizen, friend, and disciple. In the midst of all the anxieties that mark our moment, it is such a comfort to know that I am not my own, but belong in body and soul, in life and in death, to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ — and I am deeply grateful that the Lord is showing Dana, Micah, Lila, and me what that means through this church.
I started following Jesus Christ when I was in high school. Like a tree planted next to a stream, he has provided all that I need to grow and flourish. I hope that my life will overflow with his goodness to others, especially people who do not know God, so that they can personally experience God's love for them.
I am married to Caleb and have four amazing kids: Zavier, Fletcher, Sanija, and Kaden. I spend most of my time and energy each week caring for my family.
I spend most of my time on research and clinical training toward my PhD in clinical psychology at Duke or settling into married life with my wife Liza who works as a PA at a community health practice in Burlington. I grew up as the child of missionary educators, raised in East African Pentecostal churches and ecumenical missionary communities. God used them to form in me a deep love for the body of Christ and desire to understand the Scriptures. On my first Sunday at Blacknall in the fall of 2019, I saw the careful teaching of the Word and time to pray for one another in communion and recognized this as a place of belonging and growth.
My wife Serena and I first came to Blacknall 36 years ago, and we have called Blacknall our church family ever since. Although our Father has had his hand on me my whole life, I did make a commitment as a teenager to follow Jesus Christ and was helped by many people in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in high school and college. The fellowship and worship at Blacknall, however, have taught me the most about His incredible love for us and the ways we are to love one another. Over the years, Serena and I have taught first grade Sunday School and Confirmation classes, and I have also volunteered with the High School Youth group.
For more details about the pastoral transition, please visit this webpage.