Justin Rasmussen
I spend most of my time on research and clinical training toward my PhD in clinical psychology at Duke or settling into married life with my wife Liza who works as a PA at a community health practice in Burlington. I grew up as the child of missionary educators, raised in East African Pentecostal churches and ecumenical missionary communities. God used them to form in me a deep love for the body of Christ and desire to understand the Scriptures. On my first Sunday at Blacknall in the fall of 2019, I saw the careful teaching of the Word and time to pray for one another in communion and recognized this as a place of belonging and growth.
Since then I have cherished the privilege of multi-generational discipleship that I have found through participating in our life together in small groups, hosting a virtual scripture reading group, and serving on the Personnel Committee. I have also deeply valued our church’s orientation toward our neighbors in Durham and around the world. Serving on the Durham Ministries and Engagement Team and participating with programs of our partner churches Iglesia Emanuel and Mt. Level, I have learned so much about the love of Christ in action. I hope to bring my giftings and love of this community to our work on the PNC.