Michael Whisenhunt — Blacknall

Michael Whisenhunt

My wife Serena and I first came to Blacknall 36 years ago, and we have called Blacknall our church family ever since. Although our Father has had his hand on me my whole life, I did make a commitment as a teenager to follow Jesus Christ and was helped by many people in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in high school and college. The fellowship and worship at Blacknall, however, have taught me the most about His incredible love for us and the ways we are to love one another. Over the years, Serena and I have taught first grade Sunday School and Confirmation classes, and I have also volunteered with the High School Youth group.

My terms serving on the Session have made me feel the most connected to my church family, and I take great joy in praying with and for people. The Lord has given me a deep passion for the Word of God and the people of God in our church community and throughout the world. I greatly value the prayers of our congregation and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we seek the Lord’s will together for our next Senior Pastor.
