Melissa Hartemink
I started attending Blacknall in 2001 when my husband Alex and I moved to Durham. We quickly felt at home at Blacknall. The community of Blacknall is an integral part of our life together — where we can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served. Through worship, fellowship, and service, I see and experience Christ at work in the body of believers. My gifts include teaching, hospitality, and administration; and my walk with Christ compels me to serve the church.
So after 21 years of membership, I have participated in quite a few ways including Families Moving Forward, children's Sunday School, Nursery, small groups, the Women's Ministry, and two staff search committees. My favorite part of Sunday morning is being with you, God's people, praising the Lord through song, and partaking in communion where I am reminded each week of the Lord's deep love for me, for us; that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We are his beloved children, and in him, we have new life.
A few other facts about me: I am mother to Abigail (19) and Andrew (17). I stayed home with them for 10 years before re-entering my career as an educator. I am currently in my ninth year teaching second grade at Trinity School. I enjoy reading novels, playing games, traveling, and taking long, brisk walks.
I am humbled and grateful for this opportunity to serve on the PNC.