Alexa Gerend
Before becoming a believer, I didn't give much thought to Christianity. And even once I became a young Christian, I hardly understood the significance of the church or Christian community. These days, every moment of my life begs for Christ's presence. And I can hardly imagine a Christian life without the beauty, vitality, richness, and discipline that comes from living and serving alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ. Through his life, death, and resurrection, I have been utterly humbled, convicted, and saved. To pursue Christ, practice Christ, and preach Christ within the Blacknall body has been such a blessing to me.
My husband Pete and I first came to Blacknall shortly after moving to Durham in 2001. We became members in 2003. Since then, Blacknall has also welcomed our children Asa, Jack, Greta, and Sam Wood into its fellowship of believers. Over the years I've participated and served in aspects of church life such as children's worship, small groups, the Women's Ministry, Sunday School, Bible study, prayer groups, partner ministries, and various committees. In particular, I served on the Pastor Nominating Committee for the pastoral callings of Dave Dunderdale (2008) and Goodie Bell (2016).
Among other things, I find joy in listening to wise words, asking serious questions, reading old books, shaping objects with my hands, gathering people together, and learning how to learn.