Don Hoover
I started attending Blacknall about 30 years ago when Traci and I first moved to Durham. God has used my involvement at Blacknall to bless me beyond measure and to form me spiritually to be a more faithful follower of Jesus. My relationship with Jesus is strengthened by prayer, study, and preaching of the Scriptures, worship, Holy Communion and often through the encouragement of others, especially my wife. I love Jesus because he loves me and has saved me.
I have enjoyed serving at Blacknall on the session, in adult education, youth ministry, men's ministry and teaching the three-year-old Sunday School class. I have really enjoyed getting to know our young families as I have served in children's Sunday School.
Together with my wife, we have grown in our gifts of hospitality and the spiritual discipline of celebration. Personally, I feel the Holy Spirit has gifted me with gifts of leadership, discernment, and teaching. I hope these gifts will be significant as I help the PNC and the congregation find a new pastor to lead us in this next phase of our life together as the body of Christ at Blacknall.
I live with my wife, Traci, in the North Street Community in downtown Durham. Traci and I have seven adult children and two grandchildren. I enjoy cooking, spending time around our dinner table with family and friends, riding my bike, long walks in the woods, fishing, and hanging out with my wife.