New Sermon Series: Numbers
Join the Blacknall Choir!
Spring Sunday School Classes Start Sunday, Jan. 7
The spring Sunday School class schedule for the spring is now posted. The semester begins on Sunday, January 7.
Sign Up Now for Spring Small Groups
Want to get connected to a small group? Sign up now for the spring session of small groups! There are several options of gatherings of 8-12 people where you can form new and deeper friendships, study Scripture together, and pray for each other.
Church Office Holiday Hours & Deadlines for Year-End Gifts
Men's "Deep-Dive" Mentoring
Three mentoring groups for men will start in early 2024. We invite all men to prayerfully consider participating as a mentee. This year-long, "deep-dive" experience is designed to help men develop a deeper intimacy with Jesus, their families, our community, and each other. See a detailed overview of the program and testimonials from past Blacknall participants. (Sign up by January 25.)
Video Now Available to Watch
In case you missed it, you can now watch Part I of the Jesus-Shaped Time class taught by Wen Reagan (recorded on Nov. 26, 2023)
Blacknall's New Director of Children’s Ministries!
PNC Update (12.13.2023)
Election Results & Officer Recommendations due 12/13
We are pleased to announce that the congregation approved the full slate of nominees for the at-large members of the Officer Nominating Committee (ONC) …. The deadline to submit an officer (elder or deacon) recommendation is Wednesday, December 13.
Blacknall Library Advent Books & Resources
New Album from Blacknall Arts: Lessons & Carols
We’re excited to announce the release of Lessons & Carols: Live from Blacknall Church, a new album from Blacknall Arts, our in-house songwriting and recording initiative. Our first “live album,” Lessons & Carols features recordings from the 2022 Folk Service of Lessons and Carols
Congregational Meeting 12/3 & Officer Recommendations
Please join us this Sunday, December 3, for a Congregational Meeting to elect the Officer Nominating Committee (ONC). The ONC nominees are Margaret Frothingham, Mark Hayes, Bo Harrison, and Sam Poole.
Do you know a Blacknall member who possesses the qualities of an elder or a deacon? Please consider recommending him or her to the Officer Nominating Committee (ONC) to serve as a Blacknall officer. The deadline to submit a recommendation is Wednesday, December 13.
Personnel Update: Leslie Cenezy, Business Manager
Nursery Hall Reopening This Sunday! (11/19)
PNC Update (11.8.2023)
A few Sundays ago, PNC co-chair Michael Whisenhunt presented an update on our work. He shared that we expect our search to continue well into next year. We know that while many of you are eagerly awaiting the announcement and arrival of our next Senior Pastor, others among us feel encouraged that our church is thriving and are content to wait. While we all wait with varying emotions and expectations, please know that our goal remains to walk in step with God’s Spirit through this process.
Thank you, Carol Smith!
Job Opening: Financial Administrator
We are now accepting applications for the position of Financial Administrator (FA). The job description — written after careful consideration of our church's needs and with invaluable input from our current Finance and Personnel committees — has been approved by the Session and is now posted on the employment page of our website
Focus of Missions: PNC Update (10.22.2023)
In case you missed it on Sunday (10/22), we invite you to watch the update from the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC)presented by Michael Whisenhunt, Co-Chair.