
Men's "Deep-Dive" Mentoring

Three mentoring groups for men will start in early 2024. We invite all men to prayerfully consider participating as a mentee. This year-long, "deep-dive" experience is designed to help men develop a deeper intimacy with Jesus, their families, our community, and each other. See a detailed overview of the program and testimonials from past Blacknall participants. (Sign up by January 25.)

Don't Miss Out on the Men's Retreat!

The deadline to register for the Men's Retreat is this Sunday, September 24! Don't miss out on this opportunity to fellowship with fellow Blacknall men and friends from St. John's in the scenic mountains of Montreat, NC on October 27 - 29.

The $180 registration fee covers two nights' lodging, all three Saturday meals, and Sunday breakfast. We want all men to attend, regardless of their financial situation.

Don’t Delay! Register for the Men’s Fall Retreat by July 30

All men are invited to attend the Men’s Fall Retreat and are highly encouraged to register by July 30. The men will gather to study, pray, worship, and recreate in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina on Oct. 28-30 in Montreat, NC.

While the retreat may seem far away, getting an accurate number of registrants by July 30 will ensure that we have enough spots for everyone who wants to go.

Journey through Lent with the Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry Leadership Team invites the men of Blacknall to join us in two practices to observe this season of Lent.

First, we have prepared a daily lectionary, which takes us through the entire gospel of Mark and some select Psalms (on Sundays). Our hope and prayer is that these readings will help us encounter Jesus in new and fresh ways and that reading the same passages each day will bind us together. You can find the lectionary here.

Second, we have prepared opportunities for you to gather with other men on a weekly basis for brief times of prayer and fellowship. There are four options to choose from, and you can attend different times on different weeks or stick with the same time each week. Come join us! The options are as follows:

  • Wednesdays at 12pm @ Duke Campus

(March 2 - April 13)
Meet in front of Duke Chapel and walk together

Contact: Brad Boswell

  • Wednesdays at 7:30pm @ Blacknall

(March 2 - April 13)
Meet in the Upper Atrium immediately following the Lenten service

Contact: Timothy Crouch

  • Fridays at 12pm @ Blacknall

(March 4 - April 15)
Meet on front steps of Blacknall and walk together

Contact: Christian Pikaart

  • Fridays at 12pm @ Blacknall

(March 4 - April 15)
Meet in the Rose Garden and walk around East Campus

Contact: Rob Witman