Don’t Delay! Register for the Men’s Fall Retreat by July 30 — Blacknall

Don’t Delay! Register for the Men’s Fall Retreat by July 30

All men are invited to attend the Men’s Fall Retreat and are highly encouraged to register by July 30. The men will gather to study, pray, worship, and recreate in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina on Oct. 28-30 in Montreat, NC.

While the retreat may seem far away, getting an accurate number of registrants by July 30 will ensure that we have enough spots for everyone who wants to go.

Furthermore, Pastor Dave Dunderdale would like to encourage the men to commit early to this event because “This retreat is a vital opportunity for us to be together as men and to connect or reconnect with one another. For more than two years we have rarely gathered in person with the opportunity to make and deepen friendships. On the retreat, we will have lots of time to fellowship over meals, enjoy the mountains, and hang out casually in the evening. Please don’t put this off as something you will think about doing. Decide now that this is something vital for you and for us.”

For more details about the retreat and to register, please go here. Please contact Don Hoover or Bob Leslie with any question
