Summer Sunday School starts this Sunday, June 4! Each June - August, we give our regular Sunday School teachers time off and invite parents and the wider congregation to step into what we have planned for our children in the Nursery and Elementary Halls. This is a wonderful chance for the rest of us to engage in the important (and fun!) work of discipling and learning with our children. Please check out these opportunities and sign up by this Friday, June 2!
Freedom Schools Thursday Night Family Dinners
Blacknall has a unique opportunity this summer to support the 2023 Durham Freedom School sponsored by the Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice. We will prepare and serve Family Night meals for about 120 people on Thursday nights, June 29 - July 27. (Read the "INDY Week" article about the Durham Freedom School with a quote from our own David Dunderdale.)
We are seeking intrepid small groups, Sunday School classes, committees, or other Blacknall collectives to procure, prepare, serve, and clean up the meals at Epworth United Methodist Church (3002 Hope Valley Rd.). Meals should be ready to serve by 5:20 p.m. and cleanup should finish by 7 p.m. All expenses will be reimbursed. Learn more and sign up!
Seeking Household Items for Refugee Families
World Relief Durham is seeking donations of various household items: bath, bedding, kitchenware, cleaning supplies, etc., to supply refugee families resettling in Durham. See the full list. Please drop off your donations on the table in the Lower Atrium anytime on or before Friday, June 9. Please contact Andrea Tshihamba with questions.
Refugee Apartment Setup This Sunday
Blacknall’s Good Neighbor Team will be setting up an apartment this Sunday afternoon on May 21. We could use 2-3 volunteers at the location. There will be no heavy lifting. If you would like to volunteer at the apartment, please call or text Andrea Tshihamba at (952) 334-9411. Also watch for the grocery cards on the table in the Lower Atrium on Sunday.
World Relief Volunteer Orientation on May 9
Join the team that is making a practical impact and loving our neighbors who are refugees! Blacknall has enjoyed a long-standing partnership with World Relief Durham (WRD). One of the tangible ways we realize this commitment is through the team of Blacknall volunteers who, once a month, set up apartments for refugee families who have recently arrived in Durham. If you want to join this team, please attend the next local volunteer orientation on Tuesday, May 9, from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Celebrating Jill & Scott and Housing for Jyoti
Jill French and Scott Mollenkopf are getting married on Sunday, May 28, at the conclusion of the 11 a.m. service! All are invited to witness their vows and celebrate with them at a dessert reception in the Fellowship Hall afterwards.
Shortly after they get married, Jill and Scott will be moving to Charlotte. Jyoti, Jill’s daughter, would like to stay in Durham. She has been preparing to live semi-independently for many years and ideally would like to live in the North Street Community when a place becomes available.
Volunteer to Assist Congo Initiative Board Meeting
Blacknall will be co-hosting the Congo Initiative 2023 Global Board Meeting on April 20-23. We are looking for volunteers who can help with hosting a board member, airport pick-up and drop-off, and meals. Please consider signing up to volunteer.
Food Bank Volunteers Needed
Food Distribution Volunteers Needed
Refugee Apartment Setup This Weekend
Blacknall is setting up an apartment for a new refugee family this weekend. On Sunday, February 12, we need individuals willing to pick up groceries and other needed items. Cards with these items will be available on the table in the Lower Atrium on Sunday. The groceries and other items will need to be returned by 1:00 pm on Sunday (a quick turnaround).
Refugee Apartment Setup This Weekend
Looking for Supper Club Hosts
ISI is looking for additional Supper Club hosts to sign up for the spring 2023 semester. The registration deadline is January 29.
Supper Clubs connect international students with committed hosts in the Triangle area by sharing meals together in hosts’ homes during one semester. Two - four students are assigned to each host. The hosts and students will meet at the Kick-Off event at Blacknall and then at the host’s home for three meals throughout the semester.
Nov. 12: Volunteers Needed To Prepare the Home of Ron & Betsy
Ron & Betsy, longtime Blacknall-supported global workers, are joining International Students, Inc. and the iStudentsDuke staff team! They will travel from Central Asia where they have been working for nearly 25 years. We need your help to prepare their home in Durham for their December arrival.
On Saturday, November 12, let’s “pitch in” to do outdoor clean-up: raking & collecting of leaves, sticks and acorns; also, dusting cobwebs and sweeping porches. Easy. Together. “The more the merrier!”
Use this sign-up to let us know you will be there. The address is 401 Clarion Dr., Durham.
Samaritan Health Center Looking for Drivers
Samaritan Health Center, a local Blacknall partner, is looking for a few friendly drivers to surprise our volunteers with a hand delivered thank you gift during the first weekend of December. The majority of the delivery locations are in Durham, with some in Hillsborough, Cary, and Raleigh. SHC will match the quantity & location to your availability. Put on some Christmas music and enjoy a drive across the Triangle while you bless our community—-children are welcome! Email Meredith Martindale with interest.
Holiday Hospitality 2022: Inviting International Students to Your Thanksgiving
What is more American than Thanksgiving Day? Family, friends, and guests gathered around the table enjoying turkey and amazing side dishes; conversations reflecting on God's many blessings; a walk in the crisp fall air; or playing a fun board game. Blacknall’s Deep Common Journey partner International Students Inc. (ISI) is ready to connect you with Duke international students who are eager to share Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, Nov. 24) with a local household. The sign-up deadline is Nov. 18. Contact ISI staff Ginger Ehmann with questions.
Care Packages for Global Workers
The International Ministry Team is wanting to put together some care packages for some of our global workers. For instance, Woody McClendon recently completed 10+ years as president of JAARS. He and Mary are preparing for a sabbatical soon. we want to celebrate with them and give them some items to bless them on their sabbatical. Think of Durham related items, Blacknall related items (such as books we are studying in a Sunday School Class), or things that otherwise would bring joy. Please drop any items you'd like to contribute off this Sunday in the church office.
Opportunities to Serve at Blacknall!
Looking for a place to serve at Blacknall? Check out the volunteer hub on Blacknall’s website. Whether you’re into decorating, singing, storytelling, or just hanging out with the cool kids (our middle/high school students, obviously!), we have a place for you to serve at Blacknall! There are also low commitment—but critical— positions that we need to fill.
Reality Ministries Volunteer Gathering
Blacknall’s Deep Common Journey partner Reality Ministries is hosting a Volunteer Gathering on Monday, August 29 from 6-7:30 p.m. for both current volunteers and those who are interested in volunteering to learn more about what Reality is all about! The gathering will meet, weather permitting, in the parking lot of Reality Ministries (916 Lamond Ave., Durham, NC 27701). You may contact Blacknall member Taylor Brennan at with any questions.
Two Opportunities to Welcome Incoming International Students to Duke
Helping with Home Setup for Refugee Family
Blacknall friends of refugees! We are currently on World Relief’s list to provide an apartment setup for a refugee family. We don’t have a date yet, but if you’re thinking of updating any home furnishings, please hang on to them to donate soon. More details about the setup and volunteering will be posted as soon as they are available. If you want to be on the refugee volunteer mailing list, please send your contact info to Andrea Tshihamba.