Love & Serve

Service Opportunities for Lent

Blacknall's Durham Ministry Engagement Team (DMET) has compiled several service opportunities related to Blacknall’s local ministry partners to consider during Lent. Some of these activities can be done at home with children, in small groups, or with youth groups. Browse the full list of ideas or contact Vangie Lunn for more details.

Stream Team - Volunteers Needed!

Every Sunday we livestream our worship service so that our homebound members or folks who are traveling can participate in our worship even when they’re unable to be with us in person. Our livestream is run by a team of Blacknall volunteers, and we need new members! It’s an important opportunity to contribute to our worship life together. No experience needed! We provide training and the rotation is once every 4-6 weeks for the first service only (8:30 am). Visit our Volunteer Hub to sign up! Contact Wen Reagan or Leslie Eibest with questions.

StepUp Durham Volunteer Needs - Summer 2023

StepUp Durham partners with adults seeking to transform their lives through employment and life skills training. Blacknall has an opportunity support StepUp’s upcoming training for their “Step2” cohort. Step2 is for adults working at least 25 hours per week who would like to increase their network, community connections, career possibilities, and financial capacity. There are two ways to serve: Become a Co-Partner and/or provide meals for the meeting. Each Tuesday, they meet at ReCity (112 Broadway Street) in Durham from 6-8 p.m. The session runs July 25 - September 12.

Seeking Consultation with Computer Networking Specialist

Blacknall is searching for a computer networking specialist who can provide a short-term consultation on a volunteer basis. The church is recruiting and reviewing new IT contractors and would like some assistance in evaluating our networking needs in relation to the qualifications of the vendors under consideration. If you, or someone you know, might be interested, please contact the Church Office for more details.