Deep Common Journey

Service Opportunities for Lent

Blacknall's Durham Ministry Engagement Team (DMET) has compiled several service opportunities related to Blacknall’s local ministry partners to consider during Lent. Some of these activities can be done at home with children, in small groups, or with youth groups. Browse the full list of ideas or contact Vangie Lunn for more details.

Holiday Hospitality 2022: Inviting International Students to Your Thanksgiving

What is more American than Thanksgiving Day? Family, friends, and guests gathered around the table enjoying turkey and amazing side dishes; conversations reflecting on God's many blessings; a walk in the crisp fall air; or playing a fun board game. Blacknall’s Deep Common Journey partner International Students Inc. (ISI) is ready to connect you with Duke international students who are eager to share Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, Nov. 24) with a local household. The sign-up deadline is Nov. 18. Contact ISI staff Ginger Ehmann with questions.

Reality Ministries Volunteer Gathering

Blacknall’s Deep Common Journey partner Reality Ministries is hosting a Volunteer Gathering on Monday, August 29 from 6-7:30 p.m. for both current volunteers and those who are interested in volunteering to learn more about what Reality is all about! The gathering will meet, weather permitting, in the parking lot of Reality Ministries (916 Lamond Ave., Durham, NC 27701). You may contact Blacknall member Taylor Brennan at with any questions.