Bill Shively — Blacknall

Bill Shively

Originally from Shreveport, Louisiana, I moved to the Triangle area for the physics graduate program at UNC. After graduating in 2006, I’ve worked for Duke Medical Center as a database programmer/data analyst. I’m married to Liz Shively, and we have a daughter, Vanessa.

I grew up Baptist. Since then I have been involved in a number of different denominations. While at UNC I was involved with Graduate Intervarsity (FOCUS) for 5 years and a number of small groups. I first attended Blacknall when Liz invited me to hear her sing in the Lessons & Carols service Christmas, 2005, and I have been attending ever since. Blacknall has served as a fantastic church family for us as life has taken all sorts of unexpected turns over the past several years.

I have served on the Diaconate for the past six years throughout the pandemic and the multitudinous transitions to help navigate the storms. I’ve primarily served on the Hospitality Committee, helping to organize the game nights, chili cookoff, and block party. I’ve also served on DMET and have been involved with several ministry partners. Since Vanessa has graduated to the Youth Group, I chaperoned on The Great Escape 2023, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know the next generation of Blacknall members. Music, physics, and theology have been lifelong passions of mine, and the three are woven together within my faith. I enjoy helping others to likewise integrate their passions within their faith. I also like to reach out to those who feel alienated or confused by the church. Gaming has been yet another way to both figuratively and literally bring people to the table, and 10 years ago, we along with several others started a gaming group that eventually evolved into a small group still going today.

Blacknall is such a unique and beautiful collection of people from a whole spectrum of backgrounds and political affiliations who nonetheless come together to fellowship under Jesus at a time when this is sorely lacking. I’m very concerned to help us hold together in unity as a church body and follow the Holy Spirit through this time of transition both within Blacknall and outside in greater society.
