Charlene Brown — Blacknall

Charlene Brown

I grew up in Northern Virginia and attended the University of Virginia (’08), where I became a follower of Jesus through campus ministry. While I had visited Blacknall many times since moving to Durham to pursue my MDiv at Duke (’11), I began regularly attending in 2021 and joined in 2022. In hindsight, I see threads of Blacknall’s ministry throughout my journey —from coming to hear John Perkins as a student, to volunteering with the food pantry at Iglesia Emanuel, and through the church’s support and prayers as I launched InterVarsity at NCCU and later as I served as InterVarsity’s National Director for Black Campus Ministries work. I am grateful for the ways God has provided a worshipping community, accountability, and discipleship. Of note, I’m an avid baker, lover of board games, biker of AT on beautiful mornings, and a Urologic Surgery Resident at UNC. My life, faith, ministry, and leadership have been transformed by the triune God and it’s out of this transformation that I hope to serve. I am excited about how our community might grow in prayer, live more missionally, and bear witness to God’s glory in Durham and beyond.