Bulletin 8.8.21


  • Prayer for our Missionaries

    Sunday, August 8, 4 & 6:30 p.m. | Zoom links on CCB.

    From Cape Town to Amsterdam. From Tonga to Kyrgyzstan. From Blacknall to Beni and lots of places in between! We are invited to gather to pray for our missionaries and our mission partners. We will pray at 4 p.m. for our Blacknall-supported missionaries and at 6:30 p.m. to pray for our Deep Common Journey partner Congo Initiative in Beni, DRC. Come participate in what God is doing in our world.

  • Congregational Meeting

Sunday August 22, 10 a.m. | Sanctuary/Livestream

The session has called a congregational meeting to receive the fiscal year 2021/2022 budget, approve changes in terms of call for our pastors, and pray together for the year ahead. The meeting will be held in the sanctuary between services and will be livestreamed. Livestream link and childcare details coming soon.

  • Donuts in the Rose Garden

    Sunday August 29, 10 a.m. | Perry Street

Glazed or Jelly? Krispy Kreme or Dunkin’ Donuts? Whatever your preference may be, please join us between services on August 29 for donuts, fellowship, music, and a chance to get to know our staff and learn how you can serve at Blacknall this fall. Many thanks to our Deacons for hosting this event. Questions? Contact Maggie Holland.


  • Finance Update

Blacknall’s 2020/2021 Fiscal Year ended on June 30. Our total income was $1,855,955. Our budget was $1,684,034, and our expenses totaled $1,644,073 (98% of budget). The difference between income and expenses (around $210,000) has been transferred to the Future Vision Fund. The Blacknall session directs the use of this Fund.

Our total income in FY2020/21 was derived from the following sources:

  • Regular offering: $1,691,733 (91.2%)

  • PPP loan forgiveness: $163,900 (8.8%)

  • Other income: $322 (0.02%)

Total income $1,855,955 (100%)

Blacknall received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan of $163,900 in May 2020. As required by the terms of this federal program, we used this loan to cover salaries over the next several months. We were notified in late June 2021 that our application for loan forgiveness was approved, so this amount appears as income for FY2020/2021. We do not anticipate any future income from this mechanism.

We are thankful for God’s provision and the generosity of our congregation through the pandemic period. The Blacknall session has approved a budget for next year of $1,844,103, representing a 9.5% increase from this year’s budget. We will present this budget along with a more detailed financial update at the Congregational meeting on August 22.

Please see our Giving page for details on various ways to give. Questions? Contact Rich Frothingham.

  • COVID Safety in Sunday Worship

In response to CDC guidance issued on July 27, we have reverted back to the policy in effect prior to July 25. Masking is required for ages two and up at both services. Please view Blacknall’s COVID policy and Sanctuary Worship FAQ for details on COVID safety precautions.

  • Nursery Volunteers | Sign up

    We are inviting fully vaccinated adults and teens in our congregation to partner with the Nursery Ministry in providing childcare during our Sunday 8:30 a.m. worship service.


Caste by Isabel Wilkerson - A book study led by the Mt. Level Community Partnership for Racial Justice . The 10-12-week study begins Thursday, September 16, 6:30-8 p.m. Each weekly meeting will include a brief overview of the content, small group discussions, and a large group wrap-up. Registration is required and participants will be asked to agree to a covenant of participation. Contact: Lauren Holahan


Ministry Partners

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Campus & National— We pray for Fred Williams, working with InterVarsity with Black Scholars and Professionals in Virginia and the Carolinas. Fred works with our own Steve Hinkle. He asks for these prayers: 1) Praise God for a productive gathering with 50 black Christian faculty in June 2) Pray for open doors for outreach to new black faculty and graduate students ministry this Fall at Duke, NC State, and Shaw University. 3) Please pray for rest and restoration as I take a two week vacation starting July 26th!


International—We pray for Blacknall global workers with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Dick & Nancy Baggé. From here in the U.S., Dick and Nancy continue to counsel Wycliffe missionaries. Specific prayer requests: (1) successful dental surgery for Dick and the effectiveness of Nancy’s medication to alleviate her back pain; (2) wisdom for their counseling of missionaries and the Spirit’s work in the counselees’ lives; (3) their planning of the Global Counselors’ Conference in October; (4) creative ways of including those who cannot attend in person because of Covid restrictions; (5) God’s guidance in finding a new church home where they can worship and serve, as they have recently moved to Pennsylvania

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Durham — We pray for StepUp Durham and their work to help people be equipped with the needed skills to get a job. We pray for their Executive Director, Syretta Hill, and for these specific requests: 1) The 25 people in Step2 would be able to build relationships and savings. 2) The job to come quickly for our 20 enrolled employment seekers. 3) The onboarding of our three (now two, see next request) new team members would be smooth and quick; allow us to serve participants, volunteers, employers, and donors even better than before. 4) The need for a Development Director. On Friday, we lost the one we hired three weeks ago due to challenges with childcare. 5) We are offering our first in-person trainings in over a year next month and need wisdom, patience, and creativity for how to conduct those effectively and safely. Please also pray for these specific participants: K.: prayers for comfort and strength, just lost her best friend to cancer and her daughter was in the hospital. Also, for better paying opportunity. Denise: to succeed in getting her license back that has been lost in the mail, and successfully navigating the DMV in order to obtain her state ID, then to get hired at her old job. Steve: Currently homeless, praying to secure housing, housing that is quiet and calm and affordable, and to get hired at a job for at least $12 per hour. Donna: prayers for diligence, self-esteem, and patience with herself as she is transitioning out of a temp to perm assignment to other employment.


We pray for Ken & Peggy Kernodle on the death of Ken’s brother, Alfred on July 11.

We pray for those who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus.


We celebrate with the Hoover family on the wedding of May Hoover and Pearson Hart on Friday, August 6.

We celebrate with Pamela and Madison Perry on the birth of their 6th child Warren Walker Perry on July 21.


We pray for Sean and Carmen Garrigan and Nathan and Lily as they fly this Tuesday to Honduras. They plan to be serving on the field there for the next 9 months in their work with Mission Aviation Group.

We pray for April Perry and Shelia Rittgers as they care for their friends from Haiti, Romel and Fregga’s, daughters, Gaelle (7) and Hadassa (3) for the next several months.

We pray for Joe and Karen Bohn as Joe continues to recover from his heart surgery and as they move to Scranton, PA where they will be caring for Joe’s parents.

We pray for Jeff and Harriet Cannon as Jeff recovers from hernia surgery.


We pray for wisdom for our leaders as COVID-19 spikes again in our nation and in our community. We pray for a just distribution of COVID vaccines around the world.

Life Together

We pray for our congregation to volunteer to care for and disciple our children by volunteering for the Nursery, for Children’s Sunday School, and to be leaders of our Middle School and High School youth groups.

We pray for Wen Reagan and our worship, sound, and video teams as they lead us in worship each week and enable us to worship together.  Pray that our congregation would offer our gifts and abilities to help us to worship together.