Congregational Meeting to Elect Officers

At the end of each service on March 5, 2023, the members of Blacknall will have an opportunity to vote on officers (Class of 2026) nominated to serve as Elders and Deacons.

Length of service

All officers serve a three-year term.

number of Officer positions

We will be electing seven candidates for seven Deacon positions. Following our church policy, there are seven candidates for five Elder positions.


taylor brennan


My husband, Luke, and I moved to Durham in 2016 for graduate school. Within the first month, we found Blacknall. Nearly seven years later, we are thankful to call this church and this community of people home.

After graduating from Duke’s law and divinity schools, I entered a period of discernment about the life and work I wanted for myself. After much reflection, I stepped away from my legal career and accepted a position at Blacknall’s Deep Common Journey partner, Reality Ministries. Each day, I get to experience the reality of Christ’s love in people who invite me both to celebrate the beauty of our unique particularities and to affirm the importance of our shared humanity.

I have been loved and cared for so well by Blacknall the past seven years. Through life events, both sorrowful, including a cancer diagnosis, and joyful, including the birth of my first son and more recently, the journey to expecting our second child, Blacknall leaders and members have prayed with me, advised me, brought meals, laughed with me, and cried for me.

As someone who has been on the receiving end of Blacknall’s ethic of care, it would be a joy to devote my time to serving this community. On the Diaconate, I would hope to think creatively about what it means to share a common life with others, even amidst disagreement. Guided by prayer and the wisdom of others, I hope to listen well, hear your stories, and create real and lasting relationships within the church body.



My name is Olivia, and I am a PhD student at Duke in New Testament. I am married to Brandon, and we both love our cat, Kirk. I first visited Blacknall in 2017 (because Brandon was attending), and I became a member in December 2019. My faith is rooted in the hope of Christ’s death and resurrection. In the last few years, I have been formed by my time at Blacknall and at Duke by growing in my desire to use my gifts for the benefit of the Church — whether it be teaching, writing, providing hospitality, organizing events, or something else.

I have loved serving at Blacknall in different ways, primarily in Young Adults. I believe that the community of faith is tasked with building up each other (see Ephesians, for example), and I try to live this out by participating in Blacknall in different ways, like Bible study, and engaging in opportunities to build and be built up by the care and faith of others. I am thankful to those who have shown trust in me and welcomed me into this body. I am excited by the opportunity to give my time and energy to this community as a Deacon.



My name is Brian Farley. My wife, Joanne, and I have lived in Durham for 10 years. We have two sons, one daughter-in-law, and one grandson. The married son lives in New England, the other in Charlottesville, VA. Joanne works at Duke in the School of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy, and I am working in a small payments company. We arrived at Blacknall in March 2019. We love the weekly gospel-focused teaching, communion, and confession time. And the recent focus on small groups has been important to us.

The Lord is my shepherd. My ways are not always His ways, but I am working on that. With the Holy Spirit, prayer, and confession, God is drawing me nearer to Him. Accepting the invitation to stand for election to Deacon is the most recent example. I took this to God, and He was clear in His response. I am active in BSF International. I served in our church in New England through the drama ministry and role of Vice President of the congregation. 

I’m excited for what God has in store for me if elected a Deacon. I pray that God will use me in unique ways to serve and help the church in this time of transition and grow in my faith from serving with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.



Hi, I’m Catherine Honeycutt. I am married to Miles, and we have four sons, ages 4-11. I enjoy reading aloud to and learning with my kids, taking walks with friends, and marveling when things grow in my garden beds.

Our family has been at Blacknall for about seven years. It was the loving hospitality we received on the nursery hall that drew us here initially, and it’s the genuine worship, friendship, and grace of God that has kept us so grateful to be here.

I grew up going to church, but it was while I was in college that the Lord captured my imagination for what it might look like to live a life that responds to the love of Christ with my whole self: body, mind, and spirit. (Spoiler alert: I am still in process!) Our shared worship at Blacknall, including experiencing the gospel through the Eucharist each Sunday, encourages me toward this vision.

I love this imperfect church and this group of imperfect people committed to worshipping the perfect, triune God together. It would be an honor to serve this particular outpost of the kingdom as a Deacon for this next season of our life together.



I first came to Durham to pursue my Master of Public Policy degree at Duke University. Through my community I was invited to Blacknall and was compelled by its commitment to the gospel, its deep partnerships with community organizations, and the care I experienced in the congregation. Blacknall has quickly become a home for me in the past years, thanks to many great folks investing in me.

Christ is working in our church community, and I am glad to participate in that through our Young Adults group and the Durham Ministries Engagement Team. I was also able to contribute to the mission study related to our congregational conversations, where I learned much about the wants and needs of our congregation. I have also seen His kingdom through partner organizations as an active volunteer with Reality Ministries and Durham CAN.

Now working as an analyst supporting local governments in the Triangle, I am excited to continue to invest in Blacknall and this region. The prospect of becoming a Deacon within Blacknall is very exciting to me. I feel it will be a great opportunity for me to deepen my relationships with you all and serve the diverse needs of our church both practically and spiritually.



I came to Blacknall with my husband, Mark, about 5 years ago. We came looking for a welcoming church to bring our older grandson, Kade. We found an abundantly gracious body of Christ for all of our family.

As a member of Blacknall, I have participated in worship services, Sunday School classes, Women’s Ministry activities, and book studies, and I have served in the nursery. These experiences have nurtured my spiritual growth. Working as a registered dietitian at Duke Hospital providing nutrition care to children with epilepsy gives me an opportunity to practice lovingkindness to some of the “least of these” and their families. Serving as a volunteer dietitian at Samaritan Health Center has also given me an opportunity to love and serve the community using my knowledge and experience. 

My overall spiritual journey has led me through a variety of church experiences, always leading me to a deeper understanding of how I fall short of the example of Jesus and how merciful He is.

I feel blessed that I have been asked to stand as Deacon. I look forward to opportunities to use my gifts of service and administration. I hope to continue to grow in my own spiritual transformation and in being a part of the love and grace our Lord extends through His body at BMPC.



My name is Graham Turner. I’m married to Alex, and we have two incredible daughters, Eloise (3) and Lily (1). Alex and I have been attending Blacknall since the beginning of 2018. Over the past year, I have had the pleasure to serve on the Men’s Ministry leadership team along with an incredible group of guys. I’m excited to see how men at Blacknall continue to connect with each other and grow in their relationships with Jesus. Alex and I have also had the opportunity to hang out with the second grade Sunday School class this year and watch them develop in their knowledge and love for Jesus. 

While in college, I volunteered with a ministry called Young Life and learned a lot about the power of being invited and welcomed into the body of Christ. I’m excited about the possibility of taking those lessons and applying them as a Deacon at Blacknall.



I first attended Blacknall while at Duke in the mid-80s. Growing up Southern Baptist, I tried the local Baptist churches but noticed my friends were all attending Blacknall so it quickly became my church home. After Duke, marrying Helen, four years in the Navy, a 25-year career at Kimley-Horn, living in Cary, raising four children, and attending NCCU law school (2017-2020), Helen and I moved back to Durham in January 2020.

Like in my freshman year, Helen and I visited other Durham churches when we moved back, but we were drawn to Blacknall. We joined as members in late 2020. Important parts of our re-integration into Blacknall were a backyard worship service during the worst of the pandemic, helping in the nursery, my involvement on DMET, and a small group that we host at our home.

I thankfully grew up in a loving Christian home. In terms of my personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I am reminded of a recent small group conversation on Galatians 2:20 where we talked about “being crucified with Christ.” I am continually relearning what it means to have my identity in Christ, of daily dying to self, of trusting in Christ’s righteousness. Easy to say, harder to do. I am thankful for the formative effects of being in a community that shapes me and reminds me of the good things that are in Christ Jesus.



My name is David Chapman. I am married to Cindy Chapman. We have three adult children, all of whom were raised and baptized at Blacknall. I serve as the President and CEO of Caramore Community. Caramore is missioned to provide support and advocacy services to adults living with mental illness.

Cindy and I first came to Blacknall in 1988; we consider Blacknall to be our church home. Over the years, I have served as a Deacon, an Elder, and a Sunday school teacher; I have served on various church committees including Finance, Building & Property, and Men’s Ministry.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Hebrews 12:2 tells me that I am the joy that was set before Jesus as He went to the cross. I try to live life in such a way that brings Him honor, glory, and reflects thanksgiving for what He has done.

I enjoy playing golf, doing the dishes, and walking the family dog, Ollie. I am a big Tarheel fan.

Blacknall Church is precious to me, and so I am eager to serve this outpost of God’s kingdom.



Alexa and I have been married for 23 years. Together we are blessed to be the parents of Asa (17), Jack (15), Greta (13), and Sam (11). I spend my workdays helping executives of large global companies navigate through change. That work takes me all over the world, to meet with amazing people, and even in secular contexts, it gives me a chance to be salt and light to leaders grappling with change.

It’s humbling to be known and loved by the Word made flesh, the Creator of all things. I am on a journey with Jesus – walking in the knowledge that I am saved and yet live in a broken world. Jesus is consistently challenging my comfortable assumptions about what it means to follow Him. I believe in part because He asks more of me than I expect of myself and greets me with grace when I inevitably fall short.

We’ve been here since 2003. I have been a Presbyterian my whole life. Five churches have shaped me in meaningful ways. Blacknall is the most important. It has deepened my appreciation for understanding of scripture. It has shaped our family culture to include prayer daily. This body of believers has taught me how to follow Jesus’ command to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And to love your neighbor as yourself.”

I have served in a variety of roles over the years — as a Deacon, an Elder, and currently teaching middle school Sunday School. Each has connected me to a different part of our body. In the last couple years, we’ve seen changes in our leadership here that will continue as we welcome a new Senior Pastor. I believe my care for this community and professional training fit the need for us as we continue to seek the Lord’s leading during a time of change.



I grew up in a Baptist church in South Carolina, and it was there that I learned what it means to be part of the body of Christ, loved and known by God. During the last 20 years at Blacknall, I have experienced that same belonging through relationships formed through Sunday School, small groups, Women’s Bible Study, and serving with others. My husband, Warren, and I have two children, 17 and 12, who have also been loved and known by this body. A former geriatric social worker, I now spend my time volunteering at church and in my children’s schools.  

Jesus Christ is my Lord and the foundation of my every day, my every moment. His love is the most real thing I know — a love that lifts up those the world has cast aside, a love that gives everything for the undeserving, a love so strong that death cannot hold it down. The beauty of this love compels me and gives me hope each day.  

It has been an honor to serve Blacknall as an Elder these last three years. I have been particularly connected to the youth ministry and to Blacknall’s ongoing work on racial reconciliation.  If re-elected to the Session, I would enjoy being a part of assisting our joyfully anticipated new Senior Pastor as he or she settles into life among us. I also continue to love connecting people to ways they can serve and grow, and thinking about how the witness of our life together moves out into our community.



I grew up attending Blacknall and returned with my husband, Brian, in 2004. We, along with our children, Mikayla and Tariku, have been loved well by this church body. The community and servant-mindedness of these believers are life-giving and have grown my faith in many ways. I have learned what it means to pursue Christ as we love and serve others. 

My relationship with Jesus grows deeper as I grow more aware of my desperate need for a Savior. Mercifully, as this awareness grows, I am also more aware of His deep love and unfathomable grace offered to me. My heart’s desire is to know Him more and to submit to Him more fully with each passing day as I also share this relationship with others. Experiencing the Lord’s grace drives me to serve others, reflecting Christ’s love in some small way. Over the years, I have enjoyed serving in many ways, including serving in the nursery, youth group, Women’s Bible Study leadership, and as an Elder. One of my favorite places to spend time is teaching the 3rd-5th grade girls’ Sunday School class!

As an Elder, I bring the ability and desire to listen well. I believe that to fulfill our church’s mission and to transition well to our next phase of life together, we must first listen well to each other and to those in our community. I have a heart for knowing others and prayerfully encouraging them to use the gifts they have been given to serve others.



I was born and raised at Blacknall, spent some time at several other local churches in my 20s-30s, and returned to Blacknall in early 2018. My husband, George, and I were married here in September 2018, and we have a three-year-old daughter, Olivia, who is our greatest joy. Blacknall has always held a special place in my heart because it’s home to me.

I committed my life to Christ at a young age, and due to the faithful example of my parents and the Sunday School teachers, youth group leaders, and mentors at Blacknall who poured into my life over the years, my faith grew with me into adulthood.

I was single for 20 years as an adult before becoming a wife and mother, and during that time, my faith called me to many things: I served on the board of a nonprofit partnering with organizations doing relief work in Eastern Africa and traveled there several times, I helped plant a church in downtown Durham where I served as the Lay Leader for five years, and I volunteered with Reality Ministries. In this current season of my life, my primary work and mission is raising my daughter to be a follower of Christ. Because of that, I’m passionate about our life together at Blacknall as a body of believers, particularly how we disciple and encourage and support one another. I currently serve on the Women’s Ministry leadership team, and George and I are the facilitators for the Alpha Marriage Course this spring.



I began attending Blacknall in 2008. It has been a church home for Chris and me and our two daughters, Chloë and Marika, ever since. I am grateful to be a part of a community that takes relationships seriously and that holds diverse perspectives in tension. When we first visited Blacknall, I could feel immediately that God was at work.

I grew up in a Christian home and can mark moments throughout my childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood when I could sense God’s particular call on my life. I learned to grow in my faith by watching my parents’ actions, by grappling with difficult conversations in college, by spending seasons in East Africa. Even now, I continue to discover and rediscover God’s faithfulness and transformative power through worship at Blacknall, encounters with scripture, sweet friendships, and the adventure of parenting.

It is my prayer and hope that Blacknall continues its many decades of faithful witness to Christ in Durham in the coming years, especially as we welcome a new Senior Pastor and as we discern how to create a space of belonging for people who cross our paths in this city. I think Blacknall is at a critical and exciting moment in its story, and it would be a privilege to help support it through this season.