Caleb Wagner
I came to Blacknall in September 2022, three months before I married Julie Leyva. Wen Reagan was the worship leader at my previous church for several years, so I immediately began playing cello with the Blacknall worship team, where you see me about once a month. I also have been a member of the men's ministry steering committee since last fall. I am a licensed CPA and work in tax for a firm in Raleigh. When I am not computing taxes (don’t ask me to compute yours), I love to run, play cello, watch Carolina basketball, and cook something in our Instant Pot (send recipes!).
I love building deep relationships with and serving fellow believers, and serving as a deacon will give me opportunities to hear more of your stories and be an active part of the work the Lord is doing in our midst. I am so grateful for the way this congregation has embraced me the past year and a half, and I want to repay your generosity and kindness as best I can. God bless you all!